Guido Feger was born in Balzers on 29 November 1893 as one of eight children of Regina and Alfons Feger who was a secondary school teacher and politician. He graduated from the grammar school named k.k. Staats-Realschule in Dornbirn in 1912. He then went on to attend the Innsbruck Commercial Academy (Handelsakademie Innsbruck), was employed by the savings bank in the city of Dornbirn and at the branch office of a textile company in Vienna where he became self-employed after the end of the war.
In 1923, he was appointed secretary of the chamber of commerce in Vaduz. His responsibilities included job placements, apprenticeships, vocational guidance, certificates of origin and tourism. As part of a “downsize move to save some money”, the chamber of commerce was dissolved by the government in 1929. Then, in a time of crisis, Guido Feger founded the “Treu-Bureau” (Fiduciary office) which he renamed “Allgemeines Treuunternehmen” (General Trust Company) in 1936 which has now become one of the largest and oldest trust companies in Liechtenstein. On this basis, Guido Feger founded “Verwaltungs- und Privatbank AG” as the third banking institution in Liechtenstein in 1956. Ever since it has developed into a respectable enterprise. After a long career full of success, Guido Feger, Princely Councillor of Commerce, died aged 83 years in Vaduz on 1 September 1976.
Apart from having had a successful career, Guido Feger was also very committed to contributing to the common good and to helping others in all kinds of need. He also supported a number of cultural projects and institutions. In 1946, Guido Feger, on a voluntary basis, took on the management of the secretariat of the Liechtenstein Red Cross which was then founded by Princess Gina. After 22 years and due to him having been a generous benefactor, he became an honorary member of the Liechtenstein Red Cross in 1968.
Due to his great experience in business and trade and his work for a humane society (including political work), Guido Feger was appointed by the Liechtenstein parliament to be the first president of the supervisory board of the Liechtenstein Old-Age and Survivors’ Insurance (AHV) in 1953.
In order to ensure the continuation of his charitable activities, Guido Feger, aged 61, founded the common-benefit “Stiftung Fürstl. Kommerzienrat Guido Feger” in 1954.
The purpose of the foundation is to invest and manage the foundation’s assets and to distribute income and/or foundation assets to the foundation beneficiaries.
Any grants and donations to foundation beneficiaries must have a social or charitable or cultural character.
The foundation’s main sources of income are composed of the dividends from the VP Bank AG shares, the distributions made by Allgemeines Treuunternehmen and the management of financial investments. The foundation does not collect any money to make distributions.
The participations in both companies are long-term participations.
The Stiftung Fürstlicher Kommerzienrat Guido Feger is a foundation governed by Liechtenstein law and as a common-benefit foundation it is subject to supervision by the Liechtenstein Foundation Supervisory Authority (STIFA).
The foundation is a member of the Association of Liechtenstein Charitable Foundations and Trusts (e.V.).
The foundation is exempt from taxes.
The foundation council is made up of six members:
— Dipl.-Ing. Florin Frick, chairman
— Dr. Beat Graf
— lic. iur. MBA Elmar Jerjen
— lic. iur. Susanne Keicher
— Dr. Guido Meier
— Fredy Vogt
Manager: Angelica Stöckel
Secretariat: Sandra Sonnberger