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Funding Activity

Grants and donations to foundation beneficiaries must have a social or charitable or cultural character.


Social field

“Social” is understood to mean “relating to society, the civilised co-existence of people in State and society”.

The goal of the foundation is to strengthen social cohesion by promoting the co-existence of people and generations in Liechtenstein / the Alpine Rhine Valley region.

Examples of funding: Education, society (social organisations, associations, institutions), social sciences, nature & environment, mass sports.

Charitable field

The Latin term “caritas” means respect for fellow human beings and their dignity, “help between equals” and, generally, brotherly love.

The foundation offers help to people so they can help themselves and in doing so the foundation is committed to effectively supporting others in situations of need while pursuing a long-term strategy for solution as well.

Examples of funding: Individuals (situations of need, livelihood, interim aid), development aid and disaster relief, christian denominations and charitable organisations (nursing for the sick and old, care for the disabled, solidarity with disadvantaged people).

Cultural field

Culture is understood to mean all fields which serve human education, understanding, knowledge as well as ethical and aesthetical needs, mainly in the fields of literature, arts and music, philosophy, theology and science.

The foundation is committed to furthering the cultural life and artistic creativity in Liechtenstein and the neighbouring areas in the Alpine Rhine Valley region, to enabling an exchange between artists and society as well as to promoting the diversity of cultural forms of expression. The goal is to make a contribution to preserving and developing the identity of Liechtenstein and the region, i.e. the natural, cultural and spiritual values and goods essential to this goal.

Examples of funding: Arts (visual and performing arts), literature, music, audio-visual media, preservation of regional customs and local traditions, humanities, low-threshold cultural offerings.

What we fund

Grants and donations must have a social or charitable or cultural character.

Grants to individuals are made with the aim of helping people in a situation of need so they can have an independent life again.

For a grant out of the funds comprised in the foundation, it is essential that the person concerned is in a situation of need. It is important for the foundation that the recipients of the funds are actively involved in the solution of their problems.

The foundation grants support to institutions and projects with social, charitable or cultural effects in respect of which evidence can be provided that there is a situation of need, that there is a common-benefit character and that the requirements for their respective activity or realisation are met.

The foundation primarily funds projects in Liechtenstein and in the neighbouring areas of the Alpine Rhine Valley region. Granting support to disaster relief and development cooperation as well as projects directly related to Liechtenstein or the foundation are not subject to any geographic restriction.

The foundation does not engage in sponsoring in the sense that it grants support to persons or institutions with the expectation that it receives valuable consideration through advertising or otherwise which is then beneficial to its own communications and marketing goals.

There is no legal entitlement to receive any funding; the decision is up to the foundation council.